United Garage Door logo

Logo and Accent Doors

Logo/accent doors are a unique way for local businesses to showcase their brand, and advertise on their building while sometimes getting around signage codes or city ordinances. Custom accent doors with company graphics or logos help businesses differentiate from their competitors and offer a unique curb appeal not offered with any other product. To help […]

Carriage House Doors

As a dealer, why you should always push carriage house doors: And in January through March, 2024 United Garage Door is offering you, a direct-to-dealer, additional 10% discount on all Carriage House door sales. A discount that can allow you to start the year strong. Talk to your homeowners about Carriage House doors. Use the […]

Starting a Garage Door Installation Business: Essential Steps and Considerations

A big business starts small sticky note on construction hat

If you have a passion for home improvement and a knack for working with your hands, starting a garage door installation business can be a rewarding venture. As the demand for garage door installation and repair services continues to grow, it presents a promising opportunity for entrepreneurs in the industry. However, like any business endeavor, […]

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